National and religious symbols are one of the factors that create identity, regulate and improve the cultural and internal capacities of a human society. With the effective use of this capacity, the direction of movement and excellence of societies can be determined. There is no doubt that Muharram and Arbaeen Hosseini mourning are of the most unique symbols of identity and culture in Iranian society, which over the centuries have not only not diminished in its influence, but has also witnessed the growth and elevation of its position in the course of the formation of political and social challenges.
Iranian art is a distinctive art with a religious and national identity, meaningful, powerful and influential, which has always had an important and worthy contribution to art, culture and world civilization. Dr. Ali Shariati's saying: "Art is the work of the siblings of Adam, who was thrown from heaven to earth and tries to make the ugly and depressed earth look like a paradise that was and is her rightful place" also applies to it. Since, one of the characteristics of art is the beautiful, penetrating and lasting expression of the intention and conveying the message and thought to the audience; So we mixed them together and with the help of activists in the field of culture and art, we translated the uprising of Imam Hossein and Muharram into the language of art; may Allah be pleased. Therefore, in order to coordinate and integrate the activities of the universities, the 8th national and international festival named "the fragrance of Haram's Apple"(booye sibe Haram) will be held under the auspices of Shiraz University. It is hoped that with the aid of the martyrs and the efforts of activists in various cultural and artistic fields, as well as the support of the people involved from the country's universities, this action will also be successful.
Goals and needs
This festival is a context and an opportunity to recognize the cultural and artistic capabilities of academics from all over the country, and it is a suitable platform to introduce artists whose works promote the high concepts of Ashura culture, including seeking rights, seeking justice, Hosseini's ethics, etc., and also an arena to create more motivation in the academic community to create works and pay attention to cultural productions which are in the heart of Emam Hossein's saga.
Other goals
-Reaching the expressive language of art in remembering the purpose of the uprising of Imam Hussein from the perspective of today's generation
- Turning religious slogans into signs and artistic patterns
-Production and publication of works of art with religious themes
-Transferring religious realities to the young generation and reminding them to other generations through memorials, festivals and cultural-artistic competitions.
- Benefiting from the capacities of the Karbala incident in the field of creating fine arts
-The use of capacities of the university in the expansion of Ashura’s culture and art
- Telling the saga of Ashura and conveying its message
-Trying to think about the incident of Karbala
-Trying to remove the superstitions from the Karbala event
-The study of religious culture and specifically, Shiite art
-Providing a suitable platform for presenting abilities and discovering artistic talents in line with the goals of the festival
- Strengthening the spirit of bravery and self-sacrifice among the young generation of the society
-Promotion of Ashura themes in art Recognizing and introducing the artistic capabilities of Iran's academic community
-Communication with neighboring countries in order to promote art and exchange information in the direction of globalization and depicting the name of Hussein (PBUH) from the perspective of artists from different countries
-The role and status of women in Islam with the especial presence of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) in the Karbala incident (the women's heroine)
-Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (pbuh) and her special role in raising children etc...